Thursday, October 9, 2008

Saying Goodbye To Your First....Car.

When I bought a new car a couple years ago, I didn't have the heart to sell my first one, a 1990 Honda Civic Station Wagon. [It really was the best, most reliable and fun car to drive, with tons of room to haul stuff around.] SO! I did the next best thing. To keep it in the family, I gave it to my parents to tool around town. And you know what? They loved it, too!

Dad paying respect to my first car. Honda Civic Station Wagon

Way back in 1993, when I was looking for a first car, my Mom saw an ad for this car in the paper. She wasn't sure if I would think a station wagon would be cool enough for me, but who was she kiddin'? I'm all about practicality over pretty. So, when we first brought that baby home [with my Mom's co-signature on the loan], my Dad dubbed it "The Rollerskate" and it's been like a pet ever since.

Before giving it to the folks, I had driven that car all over the place, up and down the East Coast, through snow storms and up the mountains. It really served me well, and I was happy to see it find a home with my parents, who I knew loved it as much as I did. I'm pretty sure my Dad even got it past (or near) the 200,000 mile mark.

So, it was with a heavy heart a couple months ago that my parents told me The Rollerskate had to be "put down". It didn't pass it's last inspection and the cost of the repairs and it's general upkeep was just getting to be too much. I was heartbroken.

We fretted for a couple weeks over what to do with it when I decided we should donate it to a good cause. I told the folks I wanted it to go to Eggleston Services, an organization that educates, trains and finds employment for individuals with disabilities.

It's always difficult to say goodbye and I wasn't there when they came to take him away, so, my folks took the above pic for me. May our little Rollerskate rest in peace.

1 comment:

  1. Saying goodbye to your dear first car must have been a heartbreaking experience, especially since you must have certainly made some unforgettable memories with it. I’d like to commend you for the decision you made. I am glad there are kind-hearted people like you who are willing to help the needy, even at the expense of losing something dear to them.


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